No school next Monday! See the flyer for details. No habra clases el proximo Lunes! Vea el volante para detalles.
about 18 hours ago, Erika Lopez
No School
KRUE Sports: On Tuesday March 11, the 6th to 8th grade Track members will head to Lemoore High School. We plan to leave KRUE by 2:30 PM and with the meet starting at 4:00 PM and we could be back at KRUE as late as 9:00 PM. Any questions please contact Mr. Perez at
3 days ago, Nicholas Perez
Save the Date for our school carnival! See the flyer for details. Aparte la Fecha para nuestro carnaval escolar! Vea el volante para detalles.
8 days ago, Erika Lopez
Carnival Sp
See the flyer for the March breakfast & lunch menus! Vea el volante para el menu de desayuno y almuerzo para Marzo!
9 days ago, Erika Lopez
Spring Pictures are coming to KRU! See the flyer for details. Fotografias de Primavera vienen a KRU! Vea el volante para los detalles.
11 days ago, Erika Lopez
KRUE Sports: On Monday March 3rd, we will begin Baseball, Softball and Boys Volleyball tryouts from 3:00 to 5:00 PM, for the entire week. Guardians please pick up your child, no later than 5:30 PM from their base FUEL class or the Science Lab, Room 28. Any questions please contact Mr. Perez at
13 days ago, Nicholas Perez
KRUE Sports: Basketball practice will continue on Thursday Feb. 27 and Friday Feb. 28 . Thursday will be a full day from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. Friday will be a half day practice from 3:30 to 4:15 PM. Friday Feb. 28th will be the last day for Basketball practice. Track practice will continue from 3:30 to 5:00 PM
15 days ago, Nicholas Perez
KRUE Sports: The CRL Basketball Tournament will take place on Wednesday Feb. 26 at Monson-Sultana. Here are the times for the first games for each team: Varsity Boys play at 10:20 AM vs Parlier, JV Boys play at 11:00 AM vs Traver, JV Girls play at 12:40 AM vs Traver, Varsity Girls play at 2:30 PM vs Clay. All KRUE students will need to signed out by FUEL staff prior to leaving the event. For any questions please contact Mr. Perez at
17 days ago, Nicholas Perez
Family Literacy Week Dress Up Days! See the flyer for details. Dias de disfraz para la semana de Alfabetizacion Familiar ! Veal el volante para los detalles.
18 days ago, Erika Lopez
Dress Sp
KRUE Sports: Basketball Games on Thursday Feb. 20 will be held at Clay Elementary. All games will plan to start at 3:00 PM. JV Girls will not have a game and stay at school to practice like normal from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. Track will also practice. Guardians must sign out students with FUEL staff prior to leaving either site.
22 days ago, Nicholas Perez
KRU: TK/Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-26 school year is happening soon! See the flyer for details. KRU: ¡La inscripción para el año escolar 2025-26 en TK/Kindergarten se realizará pronto! Vea el folleto para obtener más detalles.
23 days ago, Erika Lopez
TK/K Registration
TK/K Registration
See the flyer for information on a Know Your Rights & Family Preparedness Presentation via Zoom. Vea el volante para informacion sobre la presentacion Conozca sus Derechos y Preparacion Familiar por Zoom.
24 days ago, Erika Lopez
Know your rights
Know your rights Sp
KRUE Sports: Basketball Games on Tuesday Feb. 18 against Parlier will be held at KRUE. The Boys Basketball teams will play first at 3:15 PM and the Girls Basketball teams will play after at 4:00 PM. Varsity games held in the MPR and JV games will be on the blacktop courts.
24 days ago, Nicholas Perez
School holiday next Monday! See the flyer for details. No habra clases el proximo Lunes! Vea el boletin para detalles.
28 days ago, Erika Lopez
holiday sp
Join us for our annual Family Literacy Night! See the flyer for details. ¡Únase a nosotros en nuestra Noche Anual de Alfabetización Familiar! Vea el volante para obtener más información.
29 days ago, Erika Lopez
KRUE Sports: Basketball game on Thursday Feb. 13 at Clay Elementary will be moved to the following Thursday Feb. 20. All basketball teams will plan to practice on Thursday Feb. 13 at their normal time from 3:30 to 5:00 PM.
29 days ago, Nicholas Perez
Friendship Grams are on sale now! See the flyer for details. Envios de Amistad estan a la venta ya! Vea el volante para los detalles.
about 1 month ago, Erika Lopez
Gram Sp
See the flyer for the February breakfast & lunch menus! Vea el volante para el menu de desayuno y almuerzo para Febrero!
about 1 month ago, Erika Lopez
KRUE Sports: On Tuesday Feb. 11 the Pioneer Basketball teams will play the Traver Mustangs here at KRUE. The Girls Varsity and JV teams will play first at 3:15 PM. The Boys Varsity and JV teams will play around 4:00 PM. All Varsity games will be inside the MPR and JV will play on the blacktop. Any questions please reach out to Mr. Perez at
about 1 month ago, Nicholas Perez
KRUE Sports: On Thursday Feb. 6, the JV teams will be the only teams playing on this day. Boys JV to play first starting at 3:15 PM, and the Girls JV will play after starting around 4:00 PM. Both games will be held in the MPR. Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball will still hold practice from 3:30 to 5:00 PM. Any questions please reach out to Mr. Perez at
about 1 month ago, Nicholas Perez