Hello & Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.
Kings River Union Elementary, home of the Pioneers, is a K through 8th grade school offering excellent education through a distinctively diverse view.
We are committed to serving families in the San Joaquin Valley by providing education that challenges students both personally and academically. Through our strong commitment to cultivating responsible young adults and shaping their character, our students are challenged to think critically, foster creativity and develop responsibly for everyday living.
Here at Kings River Union Elementary our focus is on teaching our students twenty-first-century skill sets and giving them the building blocks for not only higher learning but a lifetime of learning. Our children will need to survive and thrive in an increasingly competitive global landscape, and at the same time be able to collaborate with others from all over the world. Developing technologies, innovations and creativity will be highly prized for solving global challenges in the future. It is our intention to educate your child to meet those challenges successfully.
All of us here at Kings River Union Elementary want to help your child grow and prepare for an exciting future. We work together, encourage each other and value one another. Simply put, we strive to make a difference in your child’s life socially, emotionally and academically everyday.
The Pioneers of the Twenty-First Century are here... at Kings River Union Elementary! Come join the KRUE and we’ll help your child’s educational journey thrive.